R&D and Innovation Management

    Everything You Need to Know About R&D and Innovation Management

    With our extensive experience coming from highly regulated industries, e.g., Medical Devices and Defense, we provide consultancy services in the management of dynamic R&D and Innovation processes, increasing the performance and efficiency of R&D and Innovation organizations and processes by offering tailor-made solutions.

    R&D Management

    Determination and implementation of the best-fit R&D solutions, strategies and structures your business may need

    Innovation Management

    Creating the best-fit process and strategy of managing the innovation procedure, starting from ideation to implementation your busines may need

    Services We Provide

    We provide consultancy services, support and assistance to help clients translate their business goals to reality by providing customized solution for efficient R&D and Innovation processes, organizational structures to unlock the innovation potention in your organizations and make clients competitive in their business.

    • Creation of R&D and innovation strategy and leadership
    • Design of efficient R&D and Innovation processes and operations in accordance with the relevant standards
    • Creation, Merger or Restructuring of R&D organizations
    • Gap Analysis, Current Situation Analysis and Reports for the identified point of improvements and level of innovation competence
    • Preparation of Technology and R&D Roadmaps
    • New Product Development from idea to product launch - advisory and assistance in transforming product concepts into tangible R&D assets
    • Creation and managing of R&D Pipeline
    • Development of Intellectual Property (IP) upon innovation and creation of IP strategy
    • Preparation of Business Cases/Plans and Marketing Strategies for New Products
    • R&D Investment Feasibility Assessment, R&D Project Evaluation and R&D project management
    • Technology Scouting to support the technology management strategies of clients, submission of relevant Impact Reports
    • Dedicated R&D Team recruitment and management

    Reach us for quick inquiries